2016-17 Hunting Regulation Changes: Updates for Hunters
Starting this fall Alabama’s DCNR Game Check System becomes mandatory. Hunters who harvest a deer (buck or doe) or turkey must report their kill via the Game Check System within 48 hours of harvest. Hunters have 3 options to report their harvest: online at ww.OutdoorAlabama.com/Gamecheck, by a handheld device using the Outdoor Alabama App (Pocket Ranger) or by the DCNR toll free number 800-888-7690 . The Outdoor Alabama App is the easiest and most accurate way to report your deer and turkey and is preferred. There are many other things you can do with the App such as access information on state WMA’S and Parks and harvest statistics on deer and turkey.
Alabama hunters should remember it is illegal for a hunter to field dress or move a deer or turkey before inputting or recording the harvest date and other required information. Additionally, if a hunter gives a deer or turkey to another individual, and that person is transporting that game to their residence or a commercial processor, that person must have written documentation in their possession concerning the person who harvested the game. The required information includes the hunters name, address, license number, telephone number, date of harvest and signature. Harvest record forms and donation certificates are available on the Alabama Outdoors website.
Other major changes include extending the deer season in Zone A (north zone), establishing Zone C with reduced antlerless days within a portion of Zone A and removing the December closure days in Zone B (south zone). During 2016-17 the gun deer season will run statewide Nov. 19-Feb. 10. Hunters should also be aware that the definition of daylight hours pertaining to the hunting of deer, turkey and other resident game is now designated as 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset. Hunters are encouraged to carefully review all of the 2016-17 changes in season dates, bag limits and harvest reporting in the Alabama Hunting and Fishing Digest or online at the Outdoor Alabama website.
Georgia will also have mandatory reporting of deer and turkey harvests this season with Georgia Game Check. Georgia hunters will have 72 hours to report their harvests through Game Check but they also must record the harvests and the confirmation numbers on a paper Harvest Record which must be in possession. Deer and turkey hunters will have the same three options as other states with mandatory reporting which are the Outdoors GA App, online at www.gooutdoorsgeorgia.com or by calling the toll free number 1-800-366-2661. The harvest date and county must be recorded on the Harvest Report before deer and turkey are moved from the site of the harvest.
Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia
No major hunting changes for 2016-17 were found on the agency web sites.