Habitat Management
Habitat management plays a vital role in your wildlife management program. Westervelt’s staff of talented biologists can develop wildlife habitat management plans and provide innovative and sound habitat management advice that will
optimize the wildlife value of your property.
Some of the habitat management services we offer:
Food plot consultation and forage analysis.Detailed site-specific wildlife habitat plans.
Innovative management applications that enhance wildlife habitat and hunting opportunities.
Experience in correlating management plans with revenue-producing objectives.
Integrated forest and wildlife management plans.
Recreational property development.
Aerial photography and mapping services.
Timber stand improvement plans.
Specific habitat improvements for deer.
Natural Habitats
With the recent emphasis in planting wildlife food plots, many landowners overlook the significance of managing natural habitats (i.e., woodlots, pine plantations, upland or bottomland hardwoods, fallow fields, etc.) in their property management regime. Food plots are a great tool for increasing the nutritional plane and wildlife carrying capacity of a property, but wildlife species spend much of their time in natural habitats that are often “neglected” by many landowners. A myriad of management techniques exist that can help landowners maximize all available wildlife habitats on their property. Our staff of wildlife biologists specialize in developing innovative habitat management strategies that satisfy the needs of hunters, landowners and wildlife.
Food Plots
Supplemental food plots can be strategically designed to fill specific physiological needs of specific wildlife species. Whether your goal is to provide protein-packed forages to boost the nutrition of your deer herd or create irresistible “attraction” plots to enhance hunting opportunities, Westervelt has the knowledge and
experience to develop a high quality, site-specific food plot plan for your property to ensure you are growing quality food plots and quality wildlife.
Our biologists are life-long hunters and specialize in designing strategic food plots that provide nutrition for wildlife, and enhance hunting opportunities as well. Growing quality, mature whitetail bucks is generally the easiest thing we do, getting them in front of hunters is the challenge. We will help you design food plots that will optimize the wildlife value of your property and will enhance the hunting opportunities for mature bucks.
Some of the food plot services provided:
Food plot consultation and guidance.Site-specific food plot plans.
Designing the perfect “hunting plot”.
Soil testing analysis, interpretation, and development of a lime and fertilizer “recipe”.
Wildlife Fruit Orchards
Planting wildlife friendly fruit trees presents an excellent opportunity to provide additional food sources, enhance hunting opportunities and improve property aesthetics. We often recommend planting mast producing trees and shrubs to dress up road intersections and roadsides, “break up” large fields or food plots, and increase overall habitat diversity of a property. Strategic placement of wildlife fruit trees is important to optimize their value and help you improve your property.